This page and the links to the right contain important information about the Court’s case management procedures. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these procedures as well as those in the Local Rules. When there is a conflict, please follow the procedures outlined here.
These policies and rules have been designed to facilitate the prompt, efficient, and equitable disposition of civil cases on the Court’s docket. The success of this Court’s trial procedures depends on your willingness to familiarize yourself with these materials. Counsel will be expected to fully explain to the Court any failure to comply with the Court’s case management and pretrial procedures.
All previously set status and motion hearing dates are stricken.
All previously set discovery deadlines, joint status report deadlines, and briefing schedules remain intact.
In cases where the parties have been ordered to file a joint status report, that report should be in the form of the Initial Status Report for Reassigned Case, found here.
For case-related questions, please contact the Courtroom Deputy. Communication with the Court about a specific case should be with the Courtroom Deputy only, unless the Court specifically orders that parties may communicate with a law clerk.
Parties should expect to appear in person unless the Court advises otherwise. Any request to appear by telephone must be made to the Courtroom no later than 24 hours prior to the motion hearing.