Judge Coleman will be out of the office on the following dates: March 14-17, 2025; June 16-27, 2025; August 18-19, 2025, November 21, 2025; November 25-28, 2025; December 12-26, 2025.
Because the Court will be on trial or out of the office, for the following dates the Court will NOT be hearing motions: 2/11/2025-2/12/2025; 2/18/2025-2/19/2025; 4/22/2025-4/23/20225; 4/29/2025-4/30/2025; 5/6/2025-5/7/2025; 6/17/2025-6/18/2025; 6/24/2025-6/25/2024; 7/22/2025-7/23/2025; 7/29/2025-7/30/2025; 8/12/2025-8/13/2025; 8/19/2025; 10/7/2025-10/8/2025; 11/25/2025-11/26/2025; 12/10/2025; 12/16/2025-12/17/2025; 12/23/2025-12/24/2025 (The Court is scheduled to be on trial or out of the office on the above dates. Motions are not to be noticed during this time period. Any emergencies or to schedule a presentment on a date and/or time that the Court is not hearing motions, please contact the courtroom deputy via email at yvette_montanez@ilnd.uscourts.gov)
ALL motions (even if they are unopposed, including for attorney withdrawals, pro hac vice motions and motions to modify or to continue) must be noticed up for presentment and will be proceeding in-person unless otherwise ordered by the Court. This is the Court's requirement as a courtesy to the Court's schedule, the opposing parties, and for record keeping to be clear. If there is an agreement or no objection, please state that clearly in the motion and the Court will quickly consider striking the presentment. The presentment date will proceed unless the Court enters a minute entry order stating that no appearance is necessary. The Court will determine if a motion requires briefing and will automatically receive a standard briefing schedule of 28 days for the response brief and 14 days for the reply brief, unless the Court approves an alternative schedule that has been agreed to by the parties. The Court will take any fully briefed motion under advisement unless the Court determines that oral argument is needed, or if the Court, in its discretion, grants a party’s request for oral argument. Whether an oral argument takes place also depends on the availability of the courthouse and staff; in rare circumstances, an oral argument may also take place by video at the Court’s discretion. Parties are to provide courtesy copies of substantive and/or dispositive motions, including all memorandums and briefs.
If there are any questions about these procedures, please contact the Courtroom Deputy.
Unless, otherwise ordered by the Court, ALL hearings will proceed in-person.
Any requests for extensions of time or to reset a scheduled hearing must be filed as a motion on the case docket and noticed for presentment. The Court will not allow any requests by any parties to be by phone or email.
In light of Amended General Order 20-0012:
For emergency matters, as defined by Local Rule 77 .2, that arise during business hours (Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m.), parties are directed to send an e-mail message to Emergency_Judge@ilnd.uscourts.gov. The Clerk will monitor the mailbox and send a response. If an emergency matter arises outside of regular business hours, arrangements to bring that matter before the emergency judge may be made by calling (312) 702-8875 and leaving a complete message, including a return telephone number. The Clerk will return the call.
The information on this and linked pages contains important information about my pretrial case management procedures. Please take the time to read it carefully. These policies and rules have been designed to facilitate the prompt, efficient and equitable disposition of civil cases on my docket. The success of this court’s trial procedures depends on your willingness to familiarize yourself with these materials and to act accordingly. Counsel will be expected to fully explain to the court any failure to comply with the court’s pretrial procedures.
Three business days notice is required for the filing of all motions. The day you file your motion is not considered a full business day.
Defendants are required to appear for hearing on all motions for modification of supervised release, whether agreed or not, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
The Court requires courtesy copies of all documents, including sentencing memoranda, that are over fifteen pages in length, including all exhibits. Courtesy copies are to be delivered to Courtroom Deputy Yvette Montanez in room 1238 within 24 hours of filing.
If a party needs to bring an outstanding motion to Judge Coleman's attention for decision, please contact the Judge's courtroom deputy, Yvette Montanez at 312-408-5159 or yvette_montanez@ilnd.uscourts.gov.