According to the Fifth Amended General Order, courtesy copies are no longer required and motions shall not be noticed for presentment. Parties shall propose a briefing schedule on opposed motions.
If you wish to order a transcript, contact the court reporter, Frances Ward, by e-mail. A link to her e-mail address appears on this page. Please note that Ms. Ward will not respond immediately to orders for transcripts as she is in court most of the day. If you order a transcript, you may assume that she is preparing it and will contact you when your transcript is complete and ready for pick-up.
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Enter your name, Type the digits in the picture, Click on the Call Me
option and fill in your phone number and name. You will receive a call
and be connected to the conference line. While participants will have the
ability to identify who is speaking, speakers should still identify themselves
for the purpose of creating a clear record. Participants should be careful to
speak clearly and not to speak over any other participants. If you do not
have access to a computer Dial: TELEPHONE NUMBER.
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