Please direct all case-related inquiries, including scheduling, the status of motions, or the logistics of trial, to the Courtroom Deputy, Laritza Arcos (
All parties should follow the procedures below until further notice:
Motion practice: Until further notice, parties should not notice motions for presentment. Parties may request a hearing for motions that they believe cannot be decided based on written submissions alone or that would otherwise benefit from a court hearing. The request must be made in the motion itself or by joint e-mail to the courtroom deputy. For any motion the parties believe would benefit from briefing, the parties should jointly e-mail the Courtroom Deputy within 2 business days of the filing of the motion to request a briefing schedule. Please be advised that the Court may set a motion hearing or a briefing schedule for any motion without a request from the parties.
Telephone hearings: Judge Wood holds most status hearings by telephone. Parties may consult the Court's daily call sheet to see if a hearing will be held telephonically or in person. Whether a hearing will take place telephonically or in person will also be stated in the docket entry setting the hearing. When participating in a hearing telephonically, do not use a speakerphone. A handset or headset should be used to ensure the clarity of audio input. If available, a landline is preferable to a cellphone. Participants should be in a quiet place, not in a vehicle, outdoors, or in a public area. While waiting for a case to be called, participants should mute their telephones to eliminate potentially disruptive background noise and feedback on the line while other matters are being heard. In addition, during a hearing participants should mute their telephones except when speaking. Parties are advised to consult the Court’s Best Practices for Remote Participation in Telephone / Videoconference Court Proceedings for additional guidance on participating in court hearings remotely. To ensure access to public court proceedings, members of the public and media may call-in to listen to telephonic hearings. Information on how to do so will be included on the docket and/or the call sheet. Counsel of record will receive a courtesy email the morning of the hearing is scheduled with instructions to join the call.
Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions, including removal of court-issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.
This page contains important information about Judge Wood’s case management procedures. These procedures have been designed to facilitate the prompt, efficient, and equitable disposition of cases on Judge Wood’s docket. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these procedures in addition to the Local Rules for this District. When Judge Wood’s procedures differ from the Local Rules, please follow the procedures outlined here. The success of these procedures depends on your willingness to familiarize yourself with them and to act accordingly. Counsel will be expected to explain fully any failure to comply with Judge Wood’s pretrial procedures, as well as applicable Local Rules.