Multi District Litigation

MDL 2492

In Re National Collegiate Athletic Association Student-Athlete Concussion Injury Litigation (Nationwide Class)
- Judge Manish S. Shah

Lead Counsel:


                Plaintiffs' Co-Lead Counsel


                                Steve W. Berman

                                Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP

                                1918 8th Avenue, Suite 3300

                                Seattle, WA 98101




                                Joseph J. Siprut

                                Siprut PC

                                17 North State Street, Suite 1600

                                Chicago, IL 60602




                Plaintiffs' Special Class Counsel for Monitoring Relief:


                                Richard S. Lewis

                                Hausfeld LLP

                                1700 K Street, NW

                                Washington, DC 20006




                Defendant's Lead Counsel:


                                Mark S. Mester

                                Latham & Watkins LLP

                                330 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800

                                Chicago, IL 60611




                Defendant's Liaison Counsel:


                                Johanna M. Spellman

                                Latham & Watkins LLP

                                233 South Wacker Drive, Suite 5800

                                Chicago, IL 60606





Executive Committee for Proposed Class of Current & Former NCAA Student Athletes:


                                James R. Dugan, II

                                The Dugan Law Firm, APLC

                                One Canal Place

                                365 Canal Street, Suite 1000

                                New Orleans, LA 70130




                                Mark Zamora

                                The Orlando Firm, PC

                                315 East Ponce De Leon Ave. #400

                                Decatur, GA 30030




                                Charles S. Zimmerman

                                Zimmerman Reed, PLLP

                                1100 IDS Center, 80 South 8th Street

                                Minneapolis, MN 55402




James R. Dugan, II
The Dugan Law Firm, APLC
One Canal Place
365 Canal Street, Suite 1000
New Orleans, LA 70130

Mark Zamora
The Orlando Firm, PC
315 East Ponce De Leon Ave. #400
Decatur, GA 30030

Charles S. Zimmerman
Zimmerman Reed, PLLP
1100 IDS Center, 80 South 8th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Judge Manish S. Shah U.S. District Court Judge
Judge Lee’s court webpage may be accessed by cutting and pasting the following link into your web browser:

Courthouse Address
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60604

Courtroom Room Number: 2125 

Courtroom Deputy
Carmen Acevedo
Room 2132 
Tel.: (312) 435-6899
Send Email

Chambers Room Number: 2156
(312) 435-5769

Court Reporter
Joseph Rickhoff
Room 2128
(312) 435-5562 
Order Transcript

Persons requesting a daily or hourly transcript of a trial or other evidentiary hearing that may reasonably be expected to last more than one day should contact the Court Reporter at least five business days prior to the first day of such proceedings.

Case #PlaintiffDefendantOrig. District Case #Originating DistrictDate Closed

idDate PostedDoc.#Description
709/08/20161 Case Management Order 4 (Single-Sport/Single-School Cases)
102/05/201415Case Management Order 1
207/29/201473Case Management Order 2 (Scheduling Order re: Settling Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary)
307/30/201476Case Management Order 3 (Appointment of Lead and Liaison)
1006/23/2017225 Case Management Order No. 6(Single-Sport/Single School Cases)
401/26/2016246Memorandum Opinion and Order on the Joint Motion for Preliminary Approval of Amended Class Settlement and Certification of Settlement Class
1110/26/2017257Case Management Order No 7 (Single-Sport/Single-School Cases)
1605/20/2016266Joint Motion for Preliminary Approval of Second Amended Class Settlement and Certification of Settlement Class and Settlement Subclasses
1507/15/2016276Memorandum Opinion and Order Preliminarily Approving the Second Amended Class Settlement Agreement and Release and Conditionally Certifying the Settlement Class and Settlement Subclasses
509/08/2016291Case Management Order 4 (Single-Sport/Single-School Cases)
1409/08/2016291Case Management Order 4
610/12/2016298Case Management Order 5
803/07/2017369Order Extending Deadlines and Final Fairness Hearing
191/22/2022408Order adopting MJ Weisman’s denial of Sample Plaintiffs’ motions to compel
905/25/2017412 Order Revising Schedule and Extending Final Fairness Hearing
1207/11/2018514Order Postponing Final Approval Hearing
1302/21/2019537Agenda for Fairness Hearing
1708/19/2019558Amended Final Order and Judgment Approving the Second Amended Class Action Settlement
1811/18/2019580Certified Copy of Order from Seventh Circuit Affirming Judgment

Plaintiffs' Amended Motion for Approval of Amended Settlement

Date PostedDoc.#Description
03/31/2022195Plaintiffs’ Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement

Plaintiffs' Motion to Add Non-Contact Sports Plaintiffs

Date PostedDoc.#Description
04/16/201596Pls.’ Motion to Add Non-Contact Sports Plaintiffs
04/16/2015105Pls.’ Renewed Motion to Add Non-Contact Sports Plaintiffs
04/16/2015107Pls.’ Mem. Supp. Renewed Motion
04/16/2015106Berman Declaration Supp. Renewed Motion

Plaintiff Nichols Renewed Motion to Appoint Jay Edelson as Lead Counsel of the Personal Injury Damages Class

Date PostedDoc.#Description
04/16/2015127Nichols’ Renewed Motion to Appoint Edelson as Lead Counsel of Personal Injury Damages Claims
04/16/2015136Lead Counsel’s Opposition to Nichols’ Renewed Motion
04/16/2015138Nichols’ Reply in Support of Renewed Motion
04/16/2015146Whittier’s Joinder in Nichols’ Motion to Appoint Edelson

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