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LR 83.30 Reinstatement

(a)   Automatic & by Petition. An attorney suspended for 3 months or less shall be automatically reinstated at the end of the period of suspension. An attorney suspended for more than 3 months or disbarred may not resume practice until reinstated by order of the Executive Committee.

(b)   Petition for Reinstatement. A petition for reinstatement may be filed under the following  conditions:

(1)   by a suspended attorney: An attorney who has been suspended for a period of more than 3 months may petition for reinstatement at any time following the conclusion of the period of suspension.

(2)   by a disbarred attorney: A petition to reinstate a disbarred attorney may not be filed until at least 5 years has elapsed from the effective date of the disbarment.

Following an adverse decision upon a petition for reinstatement, a period of at least 1 year must elapse from the date of the order denying reinstatement before a subsequent petition for reinstatement may be filed.

Petitions for reinstatement shall be filed with the attorney admissions coordinator or such  other  deputy as the Clerk may in writing designate. The Executive Committee may grant the petition  without hearing, decide the petition based on a hearing before the Committee, or assign the  matter for prompt hearing before, and decision by, a judge of this Court. Where the Committee  directs that the petition be assigned to a judge, the assignment will be in the same manner as  provided by LR 83.28(e) for the assignment of a statement of charges alleging misconduct.

(c)   Hearing. A petition for reinstatement will be included on the agenda of the first meeting of the Executive Committee scheduled for not less than 7 days after the time the petition is filed. At  that meeting, the Committee will consider whether to grant the petition, schedule a hearing, or  direct that it be assigned to a judge. Where a hearing is to be held and the Executive Committee has directed that the matter be assigned to a judge, it shall be scheduled for a date not less than 30 days from the date of assignment.

(d)   Burden of Proof. At the hearing, the petitioner shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner has the requisite character and fitness for admission to practice law before this Court and that the petitioner’s resumption of the practice of  law will not be detrimental to the integrity and standing of the bar or to the administration of justice, or subversive of the public interest.

(e)   Duties of Counsel. Where an attorney is appointed pursuant to LR 83.29, cross- examination of the witnesses of the petitioner and the submission of evidence in opposition to the petition, if any, shall be by that attorney.

(f)  Conditions of Reinstatement. The petition for reinstatement shall be denied if the petitioner  fails to demonstrate fitness to resume the practice of law. If the petitioner is found fit to resume the practice of law, the judgment shall reinstate the petitioner, but may make reinstatement conditional upon the making of partial or complete restitution to parties harmed by the conduct

of petitioner which led to the suspension or disbarment. If the petitioner has been suspended or disbarred for 5 years or more, reinstatement may be conditioned, in the discretion of the Executive Committee or the judge before whom the matter is heard, upon the furnishing or proof of competency and learning in the law. Such proof may include certification by the bar examiners of a state or other jurisdiction of the attorney’s successful completion of an examination for admission to practice subsequent to the date of suspension or disbarment.

Amended December 23, 2016

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.
#Rule ID106