(a) Assignment. The Executive Committee or the judge to whom the case is assigned may assign one or more attorneys to investigate allegations of misconduct, to prosecute disciplinary proceedings, or to review a reinstatement petition filed by a disciplined attorney. The United States attorney or an assistant United States attorney, the administrator of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois or a designee of the administrator, or a member of the bar of this Court may be assigned. Once assigned, an attorney may not resign unless permission to do so is given by the Executive Committee or the judge to whom the case is assigned.
(b) Subpoenas. An attorney assigned under section (a) may, with the approval of the Executive Committee or the presiding judge, cause subpoenas to be issued during the proceedings. Any subpoenas issued pursuant to this rule shall be returnable before the Executive Committee or the presiding judge.
Amended May 24, 2013 and December 23, 2016