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LR 69.1 Notice of Sale


The notice of a proposed sale of property directed to be made by an order or judgment of the court in a civil action need not, unless otherwise ordered by the court, set out the terms of sale specified in the order or judgment. The notice will be sufficient if in substantially the following form:

United States District Court
Northern District of Illinois


Pursuant to (order or judgment) of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, ______ Division, filed in the office of the clerk of that Court on (date) in the cause entitled (name and docket number) the undersigned will sell at public sale at (place of sale) on (date and hour of sale) the property in said (order or judgment) described and therein directed to be sold, to which (order or judgment) reference is made for the terms of sale and for a description of the property which may be briefly described as follows:




Dated: (date)

The notice need not describe the property by metes and bounds or otherwise in detail and will be sufficient if in general terms it identifies the property by specifying its nature and location. However, it shall state the approximate acreage of any real estate outside the limits of any town or city, the street, lot and block number of any real estate within any town or city, the termini of any railroad and a general statement of the character of any improvements upon the property.


Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.
#Rule ID70