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LR 83.50 Rules of Professional Conduct

Applicable disciplinary rules are the Model Rules adopted by the American Bar Association. On any matter not addressed by the ABA Model Rules or for which the ABA Model Rules are inconsistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct, a lawyer admitted to practice in Illinois is governed by the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct, as adopted by the Illinois Supreme Court, and a lawyer not admitted to practice in Illinois is bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct for the state in which the lawyer’s principal office is located. Notwithstanding the foregoing, limited scope appearances of attorneys, as set forth in Illinois Supreme Court Rules 11(e), 13(c)(6), 13(c)(7), and any comparable rules of other states, are not permitted in matters before this Court. Any attorney seeking to enter a limited appearance on behalf of a party may do so only with leave of Court.

Adopted June 2, 2011; Amended May 23, 2014

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#Rule ID297