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IOP07. Magistrate Judge Extended Service Recall

(a) An eligible magistrate judge who wishes to be recalled to office as provided for by 28 U.S.C. Section 636(h) shall make such a request in writing to the Chief Judge of the Court. The request shall specify the judicial workload the magistrate judge wishes to carry while in recall status.

(b) Where the Chief Judge receives such a request, it shall be forwarded to the full Court for consideration. In such instances, the Court shall consider the needs of the Court and the current judicial capacity of the applicant; and the clerk of court shall provide a report addressing space and facilities considerations affected by the recall, in addition to information concerning magistrate judge utilization.

(c) Where the Court approves a request for the recall of a magistrate judge, the request shall be forwarded to the Circuit Council of the Seventh Circuit in accordance with the Judicial Conference Guidelines.


Adopted February 25, 2010


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#Rule ID267