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LPR 2.2 Initial Infringement Contentions

A party claiming patent infringement must serve on all parties “Initial Infringement Contentions” containing the following information within fourteen (14) days after the Initial Disclosures under LPR 2.1:

(a) an identification of no more than 25 claims of each patent in suit that are allegedly infringed by the opposing party, but no more than 50 claims total, including for each claim the applicable statutory subsection of 35 U.S.C. § 271;

(b) separately for each asserted claim, an identification of each accused apparatus, product, device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality (“Accused Instrumentality”) of the opposing party of which the party claiming infringement is aware. Each Accused Instrumentality must be identified by name, if known, or by any product, device, or apparatus which, when used, allegedly results in the practice of the claimed method or process;

(c) a chart identifying specifically where each element of each asserted claim is found within each Accused Instrumentality, including for each element that such party contends is governed by
35 U.S.C. § 112(6)/112(f), a description of the claimed function of that element and the identity of the structure(s), act(s), or material(s) in the Accused Instrumentality that performs the claimed function;

(d) identification of whether each element of each asserted claim is claimed to be present in the Accused Instrumentality literally or under the doctrine of equivalents. For any claim under the doctrine of equivalents, the Initial Infringement Contentions must include an initial explanation of each function, way, and result that is equivalent and why any differences are not substantial;

(e) for each claim that is alleged to have been indirectly infringed, an identification of any direct infringement and a description of the acts of the alleged indirect infringer that contribute to or are inducing that direct infringement. If alleged direct infringement is based on joint acts of multiple parties, the role of each such party in the direct infringement must be described;

(f) for any patent that claims priority to an earlier application, the priority date to which each asserted claim allegedly is entitled;

(g) identification of the basis for any allegation of willful infringement; and

(h) if a party claiming patent infringement wishes to preserve the right to rely, for any purpose, on the assertion that its own or its licensee’s apparatus, product, device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality practices the claimed invention, the party must identify, separately for each asserted patent, each such apparatus, product, device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality that incorporates or reflects that particular claim, including whether it is marked  (actually or virtually) with the patent number.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.
#Rule ID247