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LR 5.5 Proof of Service

(a)         When a Certificate of Service is required.  A certificate of service is required only when service of a document filed on the Court’s E-Filing system is made on a recipient who is not an E-Filer listed on the docket of the proceeding. 

(b)        E-Filer Defined. An E-Filer is a person who is registered in this court according to the General Order on Electronic Filing. 

(c)         Certificate of Service. A Certificate of Service must state that service has been made of all documents required to be served by Fed.R.Civ.P. 5(a) in a manner authorized by Fed.R.Civ.P. 5(b) and (c). The certificate shall identify the person(s) served, the date and manner of service, and, if by FAX, a transaction statement confirming that the transmission was received. 

(d)         Ex Parte Motion. A motion for an ex parte order shall be accompanied by an affidavit showing cause for withholding service and stating whether a previous application for similar relief has been made. 

Amended December 30, 2020  

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#Rule ID20