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Motion Practice and Memoranda of Law

In addition to the 15-page limit on briefs, Local Rule 7.1, the Court applies the other format requirements of Local Rule 5.2(c) to electronically filed briefs. See Local Rule 5.2(c) for those page-size, font-size, margin, and spacing requirements.

Motions must be filed no later than the third business day before the motion is to be heard.

The Court will also consider motions at previously scheduled status hearings, so long as the notice requirements have been met.

Briefing schedules are generally set by Court order.

Trial dates and discovery cutoff dates will not be reset except by written motion. Motions to extend a discovery cutoff date or to reset a trial date, whether uncontested or contested, will normally require a court appearance.

Counsel should check the docket after 4:00 p.m. on the afternoon before the scheduled motion date to see if an appearance is necessary. Unless the court has told a party it need not appear, counsel is expected to be present whether or not the motion is agreed. Parties who require an immediate hearing on any emergency matter should contact the courtroom deputy (312) 702-8805 for instructions on presenting the motion before the Court.

Documents should be filed in searchable OCR .pdf.

Before filing a motion, the movant’s counsel must ask opposing counsel whether there is an objection to the motion. If there is an objection, movant must note that fact in the body of the motion. Joint, uncontested, and agreed motions should be so identified in both the title and the body of the motion.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.