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Final Pretrial Orders in Consent Cases

In consent cases set for trial, the Court will enter a Final Pretrial Scheduling Order setting forth the pretrial deadlines.

Counsel shall use the
Federal Civil Jury Instructions of the Seventh Circuit where applicable. Where Illinois law applies, counsel are directed to use the Illinois Pattern Instructions. The pattern instructions shall be modified to the particular circumstances of each case. Counsel shall submit to chambers (Room 1356) a single diskette formatted in a current version of WordPerfect or Word containing the agreed instructions, plaintiff’s instructions, and defendant’s instructions.

Five (5) business days prior to the first day of trial, plaintiff’s counsel shall deliver to chambers the following additional materials: (1) an agreed, short description of the case to be read to the venire panel; (2) a joint list of all parties and witnesses who will be called, may be called, or whose testimony will be presented by deposition; and (3) a joint list of all counsel who will be participating in the case.

Additional trial information:
Standard Voir Dire Questions

    • Jury Selection Procedure

    • Civil Jury Selection: Introduction

    • Preliminary Jury Instructions in Civil Case

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.