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Voir Dire Questions in Civil Cases

Thank you for serving in the jury pool for the United States District Court. The following questions will be asked of each of you by Judge Gettleman to elicit some basic information about you. The judge and/or the lawyers may ask additional questions. If you are uncomfortable answering any question in open court, please indicate to the judge and he will speak with you privately with the attorneys. Your cooperation and participation in this important process is greatly appreciated.

1. Your full name, spell the last name, your age.

2. City of residence for the last 5 years (not the address). If Chicago, identify area of the city.

3. Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed).

4. Whether you have children (number, ages, occupations).

5. Education (level of school, degrees).

6. Military service, if any (branch, years of service, rank, duties, type of discharge).

7. Your employment for the last 5 years (employer and job description).

8. Employment for last 5 years of persons living with you: spouse; children; parents; roommates; others.

9. Outside interests and hobbies; favorite TV and radio shows, internet sites, newspapers and magazines, internet sites.

10. Whether you have served on a jury before; when and what kind of case; whether a verdict was reached (do not disclose what the verdict was).

11. Have you or a close friend or member of your immediate family been a party to or a witness in a civil lawsuit, administrative action or criminal case (other than a routine traffic case)? If so, the type of proceeding(s), date(s), and nature of your involvement (plaintiff, defendant, witness, crime victim, etc.).

12. [Specialized question e.g.: (a) Do you have any feelings or opinions regarding the laws that prohibit discrimination based on religion/disability/age/sex/national origin? (b) Do you have any feelings or opinions regarding law enforcement or law enforcement officers that could affect your ability to be fair to all parties in this case? (c) Have you or any of your friends or relatives ever had a bad experience with a law enforcement officer that could affect your ability to be a fair and impartial juror?

13. Do you hold any philosophical or religious beliefs that would prevent you from sitting in judgment of another person or company?

14. Is there anything about this case, the identity or status of parties, or anything else you’ve seen or heard today that would impair your ability to be a fair and impartial juror?


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Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.