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Initial Status Reports and Conferences

Reassigned Cases - In all cases assigned to Judge Dow’s calendar from the calendar of another judge, the Court will issue an order setting a schedule for the filing of a Joint Status Report and an initial Status Conference.  
Newly Filed Cases – For most newly filed cases, the Court will schedule an initial status conference approximately 60 days after the filing of the complaint.  In some cases, the scheduled status conference may take place before a defendant has responded to the plaintiff’s complaint. Defendants who have been served with process should participate in this conference even if they have not yet responded to the complaint. 


Standing Order Regarding Initial Status Reports 
At least 2 days prior to the initial status conference, the parties are directed to file a joint written status report of not more than five pages.  At the initial status conference, counsel will be asked to discuss (i) the nature of the case; (ii) factual and legal issues; (iii) settlement discussions to date and settlement potential; (iv) discovery taken to date and anticipated in the future; and (v) potential motions to be filed.  Counsel who believes that an earlier initial status conference is warranted may make an appropriate request by contacting the Courtroom Deputy.  In removed cases where a remand motion is filed, the Court ordinarily will expedite the initial status conference.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.