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Memorandum of Law Requirements

The fifteen (15) page limitation on all memoranda contained in Local Rule 7.1 shall be strictly enforced. A motion for leave to exceed that limit shall not be granted unless warranted.

Parties must attach to their memoranda copies of any cited authority that is only published on electronic database, such as Westlaw and Lexis. Parties also should attach any cited authority that is unpublished in the West National Reporter System.

Illinois cases should be cited to both Illinois Appellate Court Reports and N.E.2d.

Parties may not use Artificial Intelligence to draft their memoranda or as authority to support their motions. 

Briefing schedules are generally set by Court order. A motion for extension of time shall not be granted except on a showing of good cause. The circumstances warranting an extension shall be set forth in detail by written motion.

The Court will also consider motions at scheduled status hearings, so long as the notice requirements of Local Rule 5.3 have been met.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.