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Initial Status Conference

Upon assignment of cases by consent or referral to Magistrate Judge Mason, a status date will be set by means of a minute order. In order to make the status as productive as possible, the Court directs the parties to file with the clerk's office, at least three business days before the status hearing, a joint status report not to exceed four pages. A courtesy copy of the joint status report must be delivered to the Chambers (Room 2270). The Court has issued a standing order identifying what subjects should be addressed in the joint status report. This standing order may be obtained from this website or from the Courtroom Deputy. Consistent with the scope of the consent or referral, the Court will set discovery schedules, briefing schedules, and other deadlines and timetables at the initial status conference. Accordingly, the lead trial counsel for each party, or an attorney with substantial familiarity with and responsibility for the case, shall appear and be prepared to discuss all aspects of the case.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.