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Criminal Matters

Starting August 15, 2022, the Court strongly encourages Parties to appear in person for Arraignments, Detention Hearings, Changes of Plea and Sentencing Hearings.

1. All arraignments/bonds/detention hearings will be set before Judge Kendall at which time the following schedule will be set :

16.1 conference 7 Business days from arraignment
Status Set Status hearing before pretrial motions are due on Monday through Thursday at 9:30 a.m..
Pretrial Motions 10 Business days after 16.1 conference
Response 10 Business days after pretrial motions
Reply 7 Business days after response

2. Indicted criminal cases for which a prior detention hearing was held before a magistrate judge: Prior to the arraignment, the Government and the Pretrial Services Office shall provide the Court with a copy of the complaint, any prior pretrial service reports, and any bond documents that have previously been entered in the matter.

3. Counsel is requested to contact the courtroom deputy at least one day in advance of a change of plea hearing if the plea is not going forward . In addition, a draft copy of the proposed plea agreement should be delivered to the courtroom deputy, Room 2506-A, at least one day in advance of the date of the hearing.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.