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Proposed Pretrial Orders (Civil Cases)

The Court's final pretrial order guidelines differ from those in Local Rule 16.1. The parties shall follow the format and guidelines linked below and use the Court’s form for exhibit lists available on the Court’s webpage:

Pretrial Order Requirements

The parties should carefully review the pretrial order requirements in time to address any issues of exhibits and availability prior to the submission of the pretrial order and the final pretrial conference. This includes ensuring that witnesses are available or making arrangements for them to testify by other means. By default, all witnesses must appear to testify in person. Live video testimony is strongly disfavored and may be disallowed even if the parties favor it. Testimony by video or written deposition is acceptable by party agreement or for good cause, but these arrangements to take and prepare the deposition testimony must be made no later than in the final pretrial order. After that point, except in exceptional, unforeseen circumstances, the Court is unlikely to grant an opposed request to accommodate an unavailable witness.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.