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LR 16.3 Voluntary Mediation Program

(a) Program Established. A program for voluntary mediation is established for cases arising under the Federal Trademark Act of 1946, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051-1127 (“the Lanham Act”).

(b) Procedures. The voluntary mediation program shall follow the procedures approved by the Executive Committee. The procedures outline the responsibilities of counsel and the parties in cases that are eligible for the mediation program. Copies of the procedures may be obtained from the clerk.

(c) Confidentiality. All mediation proceedings, including any statement made by any party, attorney or other participant, shall, in all respects, be privileged and not reported, recorded, placed in evidence, made known to the trial court or jury, or construed for any purpose as an admission. No party shall be bound by anything done or said at the conference unless a settlement is reached, in which event the settlement shall be reduced to writing and shall be binding upon all parties.


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#Rule ID33