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LR 83.18 Transfer to Inactive Status

(a) Automatic Transfer. When a member of the general bar of this Court is transferred to inactive status by the highest court of any state of the United States or the District of Columbia,  the order transferring the attorney to inactive status shall stand as the order transferring the  attorney to inactive status in this Court.

Upon being made aware of any order that would automatically transfer a member of the general bar to inactive status, the Clerk shall promptly notify the attorney of the provisions of this rule. The Clerk’s notice will identify the order upon which automatic transfer to inactive status is being  based.

Within 21 days of the mailing of the notice by the Clerk, the attorney subject to automatic transfer to inactive status may file a motion with the Executive Committee requesting relief from the transfer to inactive status and stating reasons for the request.

(b) Motion for Transfer. An attorney may, in the absence of disciplinary proceedings, file a motion with the Executive Committee requesting transfer to inactive status. The Committee may  appoint the United States Attorney or any other attorney to conduct an investigation and make  recommendations to the Committee as to whether the motion should be granted.

(c) Practice of Law Prohibited. An attorney who has been transferred to inactive status may not  engage in the practice of law before this Court until restored to active status.

(d) Automatic Reinstatement. When an attorney has been transferred to inactive status by the  highest court of any state of the United States or the District of Columbia solely for nonpayment  of registration fees and has been reinstated upon payment of registration fees, that attorney will  automatically be reinstated to the roll of attorneys of this Court upon receipt of notification by  the clerk of that court.

(e) Reinstatement. An attorney who has been transferred to inactive status may file a petition for  reinstatement with the Executive Committee. If the petition is denied by the Executive Committee, the attorney shall, upon request, be granted a hearing for review of the denial.

(f) Disciplinary Proceedings. Disciplinary proceedings may be commenced against an attorney  in inactive status. If a disciplinary proceeding is pending against an attorney at the time the attorney is transferred to inactive status, the Executive Committee shall determine whether the  disciplinary proceeding is to proceed or is to be held in abeyance until further order of the Committee.


Amended December 23, 2016


Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.
#Rule ID100