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Jury Selection in Civil Trials

On the morning of jury selection, the venire will enter the courtroom and be sworn.  They will then be given a letter welcoming them to the courthouse, a combined list of background questions and the parties’ questions, and a witness list.  The first 14 jurors will be seated in the jury box according to the random-order list.  Questioning and any required follow-up will be conducted by the Court.  Jurors will be given the option of answering sensitive questions at sidebar. Once all questions have been asked, the Court will consult with the parties at sidebar as to additional follow-up questions and will then complete the questioning.

The Court will then return to sidebar to hear any challenges for cause.

If necessary, any juror successfully challenged for cause will be replaced with new jurors in the jury box, and questioning will then be repeated in the same fashion until the result is a qualified pool of at least 14 jurors on whom peremptory challenges will be exercised. The parties will submit peremptory challenges in writing simultaneously. Each side is permitted 3 peremptory challenges, and double-strikes will count against both sides. The first 8 (or however many jurors are being seated for the trial) non-struck jurors will comprise the jury. There are no alternate jurors. All jurors seated will be allowed to deliberate.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.