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Courtesy Copies & Amended Complaints

When RequiredIn accordance with General Order 21-0027 and its suspension of Local Rule 5.2(F), no courtesy copies may be submitted for filings unless the parties receive case-specific requests for copies from chambers staff.

If courtesy copies are requested, they should conform to the following requirements:

Delivery: Unless otherwise instructed by the Court, courtesy copies should be delivered by first class mail or its equivalent. Next day or otherwise expedited delivery (including delivery by messenger) is unnecessary in the normal course, and such expense is generally not justifiable. Please deliver all courtesy copies to the box outside of Room 1438 (Emily Wall's office). Please do not bring courtesy copies to chambers. A delivery confirmation signature will not be available.

Format: Courtesy copies should always be printed from ECF after electronic filing so that the copies include the ECF header. Courtesy copies should be printed on both sides of the paper whenever possible. Parties citing a deposition transcript in a brief should submit only the cited excerpts in hard copy in the condensed format, but must submit the entire transcript on ECF. The Court does not want hard copies of entire deposition transcripts. The Court prefers documents to be stapled rather than bound on the left hand side, unless the size of the document makes use of a staple impossible. All electronically filed documents should be made word searchable before being filed on ECF.

Amended Complaints should be submitted with a redline or other comparison document attached as an exhibit showing the amendments made to the previous iteration of the complaint.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.