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Jury Selection in Civil Trials

On the morning of jury selection, the parties will be given a copy of the list of potential jurors that is generated by the Clerk’s Office in random order. The entire venire will then enter the courtroom in that order, with the first fourteen jurors seated in the jury box, and the remaining prospective jurors seated in the gallery. The venire will be sworn after some introductory remarks by the judge. The prospective jurors in the jury box will then answer the questions contained in the juror questionnaire and any additional questions governing the case. Questioning will be conducted by the judge. Jurors will be given the opportunity to answer sensitive questions at sidebar if they wish. Once all questions have been asked of the first fourteen jurors, the judge will consult with the parties at sidebar as to additional follow-up questions, and will complete questioning of that group. Challenges for cause will be heard at sidebar.

The remaining jurors, after the first fourteen, will be questioned in the same manner. After the entire venire has been questioned and all challenges for cause have been resolved, the parties will submit peremptory challenges in writing simultaneously. Each side will have three peremptory challenges, and multiple defendants or plaintiffs will be considered a single side for purposes of making challenges. If the parties challenge the same juror, both sides will be charged for that challenge. Once peremptory challenges have been submitted, the challenged prospective jurors will be excused. The jury will consist of eight jurors. There are no alternate jurors. All jurors seated will be allowed to deliberate.

Typical Juror Questionnaire

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