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Motion Practice and Memoranda of Law

Please drop a courtesy copy of all motions in the box outside of the Courtroom Deputy’s office, located at Room 1914. All motions must be noticed for a date certain.  Motions to be noticed for Tuesday, Wednsday or Thursday at 9:15a.m. This Court requires 3 business days Notice.

Please attach copies of any cited authorities that are not available on Westlaw or Lexis. 

If a motion is joint, uncontested, or agreed, please so indicate in the title and body of the motion.   

A party seeking an extension of time must contact all other parties in the case to determine whether the motion is opposed.  The party seeking the extension should indicate in the motion (i) the reason for the request, (ii) the number of previous extensions, and (iii) whether the motion is opposed.  

To the extent possible, the Court will endeavor to rule on motions in advance of the date on which the motion is to be presented.  After 4:00 p.m. on the day before the motion is to be presented, the parties may check to determine whether a ruling has been issued. If so, an appearance will not be necessary. 

Counsel also may call the Courtroom Deputy, Theresa Kinney (312-435-5668) to inquire on the status of the motion.  If an appearance is not necessary, counsel for the moving party should notify counsel for the responding party or parties.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.