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Final Pretrial Orders


The date for filing a pretrial order will be set at a status hearing or by order of court.  Judge Feinerman follows Local Rule 16.1.1.   for pretrial orders, with the following exceptions:

1.  The exhibits listed in Schedule (c), as required by Paragraph 2(c), shall be provided in bench books (one for the each party's exhibits) delivered to the Court at least one day prior to the start of trial.  If a party wishes to use an evidence projection system, either its own system or the court's, the party must contact the courtroom deputy at least one week prior to trial.

2.  In Paragraph 2(f), the parties shall indicate which objections are withdrawn and which require ruling.

3.  Unless otherwise ordered, the parties need not provide the trial briefs required by Paragraph 2(h)(i).

4.  The parties shall email to the courtroom deputy a Microsoft Word or WordPerfect version of the proposed jury instructions required by Paragraph 2(h)(ii).

5.  The parties need not provide the summary of motions in limine required by Paragraph 2(j).  The date for filing and arguing motions in limine shall be set at a status hearing or by order of court.  Any motion in limine must be accompanied by a statement that the party has conferred with the other parties and has determined that the matter upon which a ruling is sought is actually in dispute.  If the meet-and-confer process results in agreement that certain matters are admissible or inadmissible, that agreement shall be memorialized in a stipulation and provided to the court prior to the final pretrial conference.

6.  Unless otherwise ordered, the parties need not provide the statement of contested issues of fact and law set forth in Paragraph 2(k).

7.  Unless otherwise ordered, the parties shall provide the materials set forth in Paragraphs 2(l) and 2(m).


Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.