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Cases Reassigned to Judge Feinerman

This case has been reassigned to the calendar of District Judge Gary Feinerman. The joint status report referenced in the court’s order shall not exceed five pages single-spaced, unless the proceedings to date have been lengthy or complex. The status report shall provide the following information in this format:

A. Nature of the Case

1. Attorneys of record, and lead trial counsel, for each party.

2. Basis for federal jurisdiction.

3. Nature of the claim(s) and any counterclaim(s), including relief sought.

4. Principal legal and factual issues.

5. Any unserved defendant(s), and status of efforts to effect service.

B. Proceedings to Date and Discovery

1. Summary and date of all substantive rulings (including discovery rulings) thus far.

2. Description of all pending motions, including date of filing and briefing schedule.

3. Attach all previously filed status reports and scheduling orders.

4. Summary of discovery that has been taken and that remains to be taken.

5. Discovery cut-off date, and whether that date is likely to be met. If no discovery cut-off date has been set, please suggest one.

C. Trial

1. Whether there has been a jury demand.

2. Whether a trial date has been set; if not, the earliest date the parties anticipate being able to commence trial.

3. Whether a pretrial order has been filed; if not, whether a deadline for submitting a pretrial order has been set.

4. Estimated length of trial.

D. Settlement

1. Summarize settlement discussions to date.

2. Whether the parties have requested a settlement conference; if not, whether the parties would like to request a settlement conference.

E. Magistrate Judge

1. Whether the parties consent to proceed before a magistrate judge for all purposes.

2. Any particular matters that the predecessor district judge referred to the magistrate judge, and the status of those proceedings.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.