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Motion Practice

The majority of motions DO NOT REQUIRE courtesy copies.  The exception is for Rule 56 motions, corresponding Rule 56 statements, and responses where courtesy copies are required.  In that case, the copies should be delivered to the Courtroom Deputy's Office, located at Room 2316-A. 

A party seeking an extension of time must contact all other parties in the case to determine whether they object to the extension. Any motion for extension of time must indicate whether it is the first or subsequent extension request, shall include the reasons for the request, any previous relief granted and whether any other party objects to the extension.  Failure to state the number of extensions requested will result in the request either being denied or being granted as a FINAL extension. The moving party shall specify a date certain or seek a specific amount of time when making a request for an extension of time. Parties are NOT permitted to agree to an extension of time without moving the Court for such an extension.

 All joint, uncontested, or agreed motions must be so identified in the title and body of the motion and electronically filed as an unopposed motion on CM/ECF. Unless the court has told a party it need not appear, counsel for all parties are expected to be present whether or not the motion is agreed. After 4:00 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the hearing date, counsel should check the case docket to determine whether an appearance is necessary. Counsel also may call Lynn Kandziora, the courtroom deputy, at (312) 408-5153. If an appearance is not required, the movant is directed to notify the respondent(s) accordingly.

Counsel should not respond to motions by correspondence with the Court, the Court's Law Clerks, or the Courtroom Deputy.

Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.