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Memoranda of Law (Briefs)

A. Memoranda of Law must be filed electronically in text-searchable PDF format (i.e., documents that have been electronically converted, not scanned) whenever reasonably possible.

B.  The Court strongly encourages all filings to include hyperlinks to any cases or docket entries referred to in the pleadings.  If possible, the Court prefers hyperlinks to exhibits as well but recognizes that this may entail more time and expense.  To the extent possible, the Court prefers any citation to exhibits, cases, and docket entries to be hyperlinked. 

Please see

for directions on how to include hyperlinks in filings.

C. All exhibits or other material left with Chambers no longer than thirty (30) days after a ruling has been issued will be discarded without further notice. (This does not include original documents or exhibits filed with the Clerk of the Court.)

D. Except in exceptional cases, no pleadings are to be filed under seal. Accordingly, unless absolutely necessary, no attorney shall quote from or otherwise disclose material designated as confidential pursuant to a previously entered protective order in any document to be filed in court. If an attorney believes it is absolutely necessary to disclose such material in a brief or memorandum, before doing so the attorney shall file a motion with this court asking for permission to file such material under seal.


Note: The court does not control nor can it guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information. Neither is it intended to endorse any view expressed nor reflect its importance by inclusion in this site.